speed of engagement
The control
vave of the VW Automatic is adjusted to give smooth clutch
engagement after selection of a drive range. In use, however,
improvement of the clutch plate contact pattern may cause
the clutch to grab. An adjustment of the reducing valve in
the control valve can compensate for the grabbing. To a great
extent, in fact, it is possible to fit clutch engagement time
to the car owner's driving habits.
When the clutch engages too softly (slowly) increased heat,
and consequently increased wear of the clutch linings results.
There is a simple test to tell whether the enagegement time
of your clutch is correct. Select the lower drive range but
do not accelerate. About 1 secoond after you take your hans
of the gearshift lever the clutch should engage fully. A servo
control valve, through not defective, may not be in best adjustment
to suit the car owner's driving habits. If you are not satisfied
with the enagement of your clutch, study the troubelshooting,
and make appropriate adjustments, working slowly and carefully.
engages too quicly:
Remove protection cap, turn adjusting screw between a quarter
and a half turn clockwise and replase cap.
Clutch engages too slowly:
Turn adjusting screw between a quarter and a half turn counterclockwise
and replase cap.