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I just bought a 69 Autostick

Started by Chris the Eagle, 14 August 2007, 16:51

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Chris the Eagle

I just joined the forum and I have been amazed at the expertise in many of you with your AS.  I just bought a 69 AS and I am planning to restore it slowly over the next few years.  I am sure that I will have questions that will require wisdom of those here at VWAR.  Thanks to Mike for giving me a crash course on AS and how it works.

God Bless
God Bless

69 A/S VW


Hiya Chris,

So............Chris............the transaction actually went through?  And you are now the proud owner of a Bug?


If you can - and when you get the chance - you should post some picture of your new acquisition.  Not only for bragging rights; it helps the rest of us know just what we're dealing with when you need advice.

In any event, have fun.  That's really what this is all about.

1970 AS Bug

Chris the Eagle

I will post pics when I can take them.  I have to travel 2 hours one way to pick it up later this afternoon.  And I have the day off tomorrow!  I know where I will be.........
God Bless

69 A/S VW