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New Buggy :) 1969 Auto-Stick 'Roulette' (pics up)

Started by LittleRoulette, 22 March 2013, 20:14

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Hello! I am so glad to have found this site that is dedicated to the Auto-Stick VW's. I have a 1969 Auto-Stick that I had gotten for my first car, since I had always wanted one since I was a kid. My cousin's friend had one he was restoring for his soon-to-be wife, but since their relationship failed, she ended up sitting on a street out in the boonies for about ten years. I knew that as soon as I saw her I had to have her. She had complete flats all around, and you could see where the pavers had paved the street around her a couple times. She was in horrid shape! :( They guy kept trying to start her, and I had to remind him that you can't start a car without a battery (hahaha!). So my grandpa has bought her for me for $400 and I believe he replaced one of the heads with a nice one he found at a yard sale for $5. So after another year of waiting, I finally got to drive and register her! Currently she is my little project/ daily driver, and I ended up naming her Roulette because every time I fix something, something else goes wrong! She is quite fussy sometimes, but I love her to death. I've had her for about 4 almost 5 years now, and my passion for all VW's has just grown. She has a super-faded red paint, and a couple spots of cancer. The passenger side floorboard has a fat hole in it (funny story) that has grown from the back seat and has cracked all the way up to the passenger seat. Yes, it does make me a little nervous sometimes, but I just have to remind whoever gets into the back seat to try and step over the hole :).

Jah Bless :)