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Started by Eddie, 25 May 2007, 06:10

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VWAR, I am showing a e-mail below that I recieved. He requested that I see if you could contact him and help him to get on the forum. He was a member some time ago but can not register now for some reason. He would appreciatte your help.

Hi Eddie
I have been trying to login or register on the VWAR site with no success. I did not get an email with a code and have no visual picture. Do you know what I am doing wrong? I don't know who to contact. By the way my name is Dave and I own a 74 VW sa. Email: d_cardoza@comcast.net



I had the same problem,  Eddie.  I just re-registered.  Used the same p/w etc. as before.


Thank's Volkenstein and Eddie for your help getting me registered. I can't believe how many times I've tried. I bought my first VW bug in 1970. I think it cost $1998 USD and that included a AM radio and pop out rear windows. My current project is a 74 super beetle semi-auto that is going to be my daily driver. I live in Nashua, NH USA.

Thanks again,


Hiya Por,

Welcome to the forum.

Just out of curiosity, what seemed to be the problem in getting registered on the site?

1970 AS Bug


Hi Mike,
I had no visual verification "picture with the letters". It was frustrating. I didn't know how to get in touch with the administrator, but was able to get to Volkenstein and Eddie. What's amazing .... is today I know get the picture with the code. I have two wireless laptops and a hard wired media center and non of them had the picture. Today they all do. Dazed and confused! There should be a way to leave a e-mail for the administrator if someone is experience website difficulty. Anyway I'm excided just knowning that I cant talk to people who know and use the semi-automatic. I know very little about the mechanics of them. I purchased a new one in 1970 and never had any problems with it. It was always seviced at the dealer and the only thing I added were studded snow tires on the rear. It could go anywhere! My intent with this 74SA is to make it my daily driver.



Hiya por,

Hmmm.....I suppose with any new website there are going to be a few bugs (not the VW type!) that pop up.  You might want to send a message to Bjorn (our website administrator) and fill him in on the particulars.  It may be that there is something he can do to correct that situation and, perhaps, fix future problems before they become problems.

In any event, keep us up-to-date with your progress on the 74.  Lotsa good folks here if you need a little help.

1970 AS Bug


Welcome to Our group..

I didn't try to rejoin etc untill I was emailed by other members...
it worked OK then...

I am having load up problems every day...

it says the server is overloaded and to contact the administrator...
then its impossible to post the message...
even if its made very small etc...
as it says I have already posted the messaGE..
so I have to go out of that forum and back again to post the same thing...
if it will let Me...
I see Sean had a very long post [text] and a photo...
but it won't let Me do a long post with just text...??

Maybe its My computer.... Maybe it doesn't like Me... ;D ;D :o


-- Helping keep Autostick beetles on the road --
   -1968 Silver metallic 1600 single port Beetle - with BOSCH  SVDA and new BROSOL H30/31 carburetor with GENIE Extractor exhaust system with a quiet thunderbird muffler
