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Scandinavian Cal-look classic # 7

Started by vwar, 16 August 2008, 20:24

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Some pictures from today's Scandinavian Cal-look classic # 7.

Two VW-Automatics turned up today, and hopefully some more comes tomorrow.
7 Kübelwagen, 3 Schwimmwagen and a Kdf wagen is not to bad ?

.... I only need TWO PEDALS to drive a Volkswagen ....


.... I only need TWO PEDALS to drive a Volkswagen ....


.... I only need TWO PEDALS to drive a Volkswagen ....


Hiya Bjorn,

I was driving through my local area just yesterday when I saw a Kubelwagen coming towards me on the opposite side of the street.  It looked exactly the one in the foreground of your picture.  All tan. 

Very shocking for me.  I have never seen a Kubelwagen on the road, much less in my own neighborhood.

1970 AS Bug