the clutch:
off the vacuum hose at the clutch servo. Use narrow end
(4mm) of metal gauge to measure clearance from upper edge
of bracket to lower edge of adjusting nut. If the servo
rod of the clutch servo, with linkage connected, can be
pulled out a distance of more than 4mm, the clutch requires
adjustment. (at the figure at right hand side).
vacuum hose of the clutch servo. Barely loosen lock nut
and leave in loose position.
Turn adjusting nut five or five and a half turns away from
sleeve. The separation between adjusting nut and lock nut
(shown at the figure) should then be 6.5mm. Measure this
distance with the wider end of your sheet metal gauge.
Screw lock nut up against adjusting nut in the new position
and tighten. Install the vacuum hose and don't forget to
tighten clamps.
Road test your vehicle to check the adjusting. If you can
accelerate without slipping of the clutch and you can engage
the Reverse gear, the adjusting are correct. If not, you
have to do the all again.